What is a Bird?
Everyone of us know bird,but when we talk about science of bird then it is difficult to understand bird science easily ,only experts can understand the fact behind the birds.In this articles we try to understand shortly the bird .
Birds are the most successful flying animals that have ever existed.They make up the scientific class Aves distinguished from the other animals by one feature: feathers.Birds almost ceertainly evolved from small,predatory dinosaurs called theropods more than 150 million years ago.Over time the theropods’ scales were transformed into feathers,their front legs stretched and became wings,their bony tails withered away,and their snouts and teeth were replaced by lightweight bills .This evolution made them the master of the sky.
World's Smallest Bird
Hummingbirds are birds that comprise the family Trochilidae. They are among the smallest of birds, most species measuring in the 7.5–13 cm (3–5 in) range. Indeed, the smallest extant bird species is a hummingbird, the 5-cm Bee Hummingbird. They hover in mid-air by rapidly flapping their wings 12–80 times per second (depending on the species). They are known as hummingbirds because of the humming sound created by their beating wings, which sometimes sounds like bees or other insects.
BIRDS INTELLIGENCE Bird intelligence deals with the definition of intelligence and its measurement as it applies to birds. Traditionally, birds have been considered inferior in intelligence to mammals, and derogatory terms such as bird brains have been used colloquially in some cultures. Such perceptions are no longer considered scientifically valid. The difficulty of defining or measuring intelligence in non-human animals makes the subject difficult for scientific study. Anatomically,a bird has a relatively large brain compared to its head size. The visual and auditory senses are well developed in most species, while the tactile and olfactory senses are well realized only in a few groups.
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Wikipedia SENSES Vision is the most important sense in
birds. Many can see colours invisible
to our eyes or tiny details that we
would need a telescope to notice.
When they sleep, birds can keep one eye open and half the brain
stays awake, wary for danger. Most
birds have a poor sense of smell but
excellent hearing. What sounds to
like a single note of birdsong might be
heard by a bird as 10 separate notes.
Wings Function During Fly
Wings lift a bird in two main directions.During flapping flight,the wings push air backwards and down.Causing the bird to move forwards and up.Once a Bird has picked up speed on air,the wings catch the wind like sails and cause of create high pressure underneath,thus pushing the Bird up.
Bird food is food (often varieties of seeds) eaten by birds. The most important use of bird feed globally, is as feed for domesticated poultry. However (especially in developed countries), people also make or buy bird food to feed to pet birds or use in birdfeeders for wild birds. Birdfood can be natural or commercial. The choice of what to use as birdfood depends on the species of bird being fed.
Black sunflower seeds are highly recommended for use in bird feeders because they attract a wide variety of birds, have a high ratio of meat to shell, and are high in fat content.Other common birdseeds include Niger, or thistle seed, a favorite of goldfinches, millet for sparrows and juncos, and safflower for cardinals, among others.
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