Wednesday 11 February 2015

A Rainbow After The Rain: A Sober Life After Addiction

For many, overcoming substance addiction has probably one of the biggest challenges in life that they have faced. You suffered with your addiction and finally made the brave decision in accepting the problem. You seek medical help, undergone treatment and medication and have finally stopped using. However, now that you are living your life in sobriety, life’s challenges will still knock upon you that may trigger you in abusing drugs or alcohol again and may end up relapsing. But, this time, you are much stronger to deal with life’s challenges. Your biggest challenge now is learning how to handle emotions and stressor while maintaining a clean and sober life. Part of that sober life is fighting back the impulse to use again. One of the best ways to make that happen is by attending meetings and sessions at support groups. By being with other recovering addicts, you can find the people who are going through the same situation as yours and can develop the common support that you need.

It will also helpful to engage with different kinds of healthy activities and not linked to alcohol and drug use. It could mean avoiding some old friends that influenced you in abusing a substance in the past. Instead, surround yourself with your positive, sober and supportive friends and family. Replace your old negative behaviors with habits such as sports, exercise or volunteer work. However, while making these positive changes, be careful of substitute addiction. Sometimes, people are not aware that they are already developing another addiction like overeating or obsessive buying in order to replace your old habit.

Once alcohol or drugs has been removed from the person’s life, he certainly has to face the damages cause by their addiction at some point. Giving up the abuse of the substance does not mean escaping from the financial issues or other issues created during the addiction. After getting clean in the rehab, there are challenges, issues and losses that alcoholics and addicts have to face. Applying the tools, skills and strategies they have learned in the recovery programs rehab will give the addict a much higher chance of maintaining a sober life. Sobriety is more satisfying than a recovery full of relapses and new addictions due to ignored emotions and other matters.

Recovery programs rehab provides newly recovered addicts with the secure knowledge of dealing with the difficulties of everyday living without much pressure in dealing with family and friends; some may be supportive of the approach while some may not. Recovery programs rehab offers an excellent sober living home and gives the addict enough time in developing coping strategies. After accomplishing those strategies, the recovering addicts can go back home with higher self-confidence and feeling stronger.

Imagining a sober lifestyle is certainly admirable, but for a newly recovered addict, it can be very difficult. Deal the challenges of sobriety one day at a time and always remember to benefit from all the positive alterations in your life.


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